Loulé also joins the European Mobility Week

As in previous years, Loulé is one of the councils supporting the European Mobility Week, celebrated between 16 and 22 September, […]

As in previous years, Loulé is one of the councils supporting the European Mobility Week, celebrated between 16 and 22 September, which in this edition will have as its theme sustainable alternatives and ecological driving.

With the theme "Alternative Mobility", this environmental event has as its main objective the awareness of citizens of the need for changes in attitudes towards mobility and the use of private cars, the importance of adopting behaviors compatible with sustainable development, with air quality protection, global warming mitigation, noise reduction and road safety.

Thus, on September 22, citizens can enjoy urban transport in the cities of Loulé and Quarteira, free of charge, with all the necessary information on schedules and routes being available on the municipality's website (http://www.cm-loule.pt/destaques/3421/semana-europeia-da-mobilidade-2011-transportes-p%C3%BAblicos-gratuitos-em-loule-e-quarteira.aspx).

