Quercus and LPN highlight Reserva na Lagoa dos Salgados as one of the best facts of 2021
Classification proposal is still under public discussion
Classification proposal is still under public discussion
Participative Movement, Chamber of Silves and ICNF will organize a public clarification session and day of activities
"The document, as it stands, will not adequately contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the European Ecological Pact"
With the collaboration of 26 farmers from the ZPE, the technicians have already ringed nine brood and installed anti-predator protections, while monitoring 12 harvests
Marine Protected Areas of Ilha do Pessegueiro and Cabo Sardão were studied
"Irresponsible intensive agriculture is incessantly advancing in the heart of the Protected Area, this time destroying rare and priority habitats in the light of European legislation"
The route combines two characteristic landscape units of the Castro Verde Biosphere Reserve, the Montado and the Cerealiferous Steppe
Miguel Magalhães Ramalho helped the recognition of geosites in the Algarve
Black Vulture is “Critically Endangered” in Portugal
The construction project for the Cidade Lacustre de Vilamoura received an unfavorable Environmental Impact Statement, after a public consultation that triggered hundreds of reactions
League for the Protection of Nature questioned and awaits the response of the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests