Misericórdia de Albufeira collects school supplies for needy children

Donations must be delivered to the Space Em Con_tato

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Albufeira is receiving donations of school supplies to support children in need at the beginning of the school year. 

The solidarity campaign aims to respond to the needs of more than 600 children and young people, of various levels of education, helping to prevent cases of school dropout and failure.

The list of necessary material can be consulted here

Donations must be delivered to Espaço Em Con_tato (Rua António Aleixo, nº 22, Lote 1, Albufeira), until the 15th of October.

The children who will receive these school kits belong to families supported by SCMA through its Social Inclusion Office, the Family Support and Parental Counseling Center, the Albufeira GerAção Project – CLDS 4G, or residents of the “A Gaivota” Shelter.

For more information, you can send an email to [email protected] or call 963 431 789.


