PS de Portimão launches an invitation, two recommendations and a challenge to the local PSD

The PS of Portimão launched this Wednesday, in a statement, an invitation, two recommendations and a challenge to the PSD of Portimão, […]

The PS of Portimão launched this Wednesday, in a statement, an invitation, two recommendations and a challenge to the PSD of Portimão, following the public position of social democrats about the participation of mayor Manuel da Luz in the anti-government demonstration, on Saturday.

In their statement, the Portimão socialists say they want to “invite the PSD of Portimão to participate in future demonstrations against the latest austerity measures imposed by the government and that they have the courage to publicly assume that this government is having a calamitous performance for the Algarve ».

They also encourage the PSD «to broaden horizons and build a political agenda that defends the interests of Portimão and the Algarve».

The socialists claim “not realizing” that the social democrats are “silent when talking about the strike that is taking place in the national port sector, with a great impact on the Port of Portimão and on the region's economy”.

«We do not understand how the PSD of Portimão subscribes to the contempt that this region is being targeted by the Government and that it does not demand specific responses adjusted to the reality of the Algarve, in order to combat the economic and social asphyxia caused by measures recessive. The PSD/CDS-PP coalition government “ignores” the very serious problem of unemployment in the Algarve and PSD in Portimão says nothing and does nothing», stresses the PS.

Therefore, ask the Portimão socialists, "why is the PSD in Portimão not indignant about these issues?"

The PS also makes two recommendations to its opponents: "read the Constitution – we remind you that the rights to assemble and demonstrate are still enshrined in article 45 and the government has not revoked them by decree."

"These fascizoid cultural tics of being indignant with demonstrations, 30 years after the 25th of April, are very bad for the PSD in Portimão", criticizes the PS.

As a second recommendation, the Socialists suggest that the Social Democrats "consult the debt figures of the Republic and analyze the contribution of the debts of the municipalities to the total debt of the country, before blaming the mayors for the "situation of the country". It is because, they underline, "the debts of the municipalities represent 4% of the total debt of the State".

Finally, the PS leaves a challenge: "in the last four years, the PSD of Portimão has been systematically launching to public opinion slanderous accusations of budget fraud, embezzlement, mismanagement", so the socialists say that "has arrived at time to prove them and present the necessary evidence to the population and the competent authorities'. “Don't be inconsequential”, challenges the PS.

Note: Gallery Sul Informação/Elisabete Rodrigues

Veja here all the photos of the demonstration.

