There are 18 winners of the Excellence Awards at the Academy of the Order of Engineers in the South Region

Order of Engineers – South Region promoted the first edition of the Excellence Awards at the Academy

A total of 18 students in the various areas of Engineering were awarded the first edition of the Excellence in the Academy Awards, whose award ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Order of Engineers – Southern Region (OERS).

This annual event's main objective is to “recognize and celebrate the notable academic performance of student members of the Order of Engineers, registered in the Southern Region”.

Winners are recognized in 12 of the Academy's specialties, thus promoting «the appreciation of the merit of its members in training and highlighting those who demonstrate excellence and dedication in their academic career», highlights the OERS.

This year, the awards were awarded «based on a rigorous selection process», among student members, recognizing the best performances in the bachelor's and master's cycles.


This year's winners were awarded prizes worth 750 euros for the bachelor's degree cycle and 1.000 euros for the master's cycle, in recognition of their exceptional academic career and contribution to the development of the Engineering sector.

The winners also have the possibility of being recruited by the companies sponsoring the event, namely: Consulai; EACE – Associate Engineers, Engineering Consultants; Hovione; Imperialum; JET SJ – Geotechnics; LS Geographic Engineering; Navigator; Noesis; OTIS; Quadrant; Somincor; Vera Navis.

António Carias de Sousa, president of the Order of Engineers in the Southern Region, said that «valuing our young talents is essential for the future of engineering».

“These awards not only recognize academic excellence, but also provide a platform for students to excel and establish crucial connections with the professional world, thereby boosting their growth and development,” he added.


António Carias de Sousa, president of the Order of Engineers in the Southern Region



More than a hundred guests were present, including representatives from the Academy, professionals from various companies in the sector, as well as representatives from all partner companies.

The organization of the Excellence Awards at the Academy demonstrates OERS' commitment to its student members, thus translating into proof of investment in those who are the main actors in the quality and excellence of the sector's future.

More than half of the 61.000 members of the Order of Engineers are registered in the Southern Region. The South Region encompasses engineers from the district of Santarém to Faro, which corresponds to practically half of the national territory.



