Do you have news for us? O Sul Informação wants to know

New tool is available starting today

O Sul Informação launched this Thursday, February 29th, a new tool called “Do you have news for us?”. The development of this new functionality was supported by the program Local Media for Democracy do Journalismfund Europe.

“Do you have news for us?” aims to create a direct communication channel between the public and our newsroom. Through this tool, readers can send information that will be verified and, eventually, transformed into news by our journalists.

The tool also aims to combat news deserts, as it will allow our newspaper to gain a new way of obtaining information about what is happening in all municipalities and parishes in the Algarve and Baixo Alentejo, even the most distant and isolated ones, producing a greater volume of relevant information for readers.

The new functionality can be accessed on our website, via the Whatsapp icon, in the bottom left corner, both on mobile and Desktop, as well as via the number 916306885, via the WhatsApp application.

Automated service was developed by DigitalGTPro, and at the end of the submission of information by our readers, journalists from Sul Informação They are notified and can even contact you if necessary to obtain more information.

It is also up to the editor of the Sul Informação provide feedback to users on the information submitted.

In addition to submitting “news” that have already happened, are happening, or are going to happen (for example, events), photos and documents, you can also use the tool to verify information if you have doubts about its veracity.

The “Got News for Us?” is an always open door for the writing of the Sul Informação!


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