Elisa Rafael exhibits “Water, Lagoons and Fauna” at the Lagoa Library

The exhibition has free entry

“Water, Lagoons and Fauna” is the title of Elisa Rafael’s exhibition, which will be on view at the Municipal Library of Lagoa, between February 5th and March 15th. The inauguration takes place on the 5th at 16pm.

The exhibition has free entry and can be visited from Monday to Friday, between 10:00 am and 13:00 pm and between 14:00 pm and 18:00 pm.

“Águas, Lagoas e Fauna” is an exhibition of painting works with mixed techniques by Elisa Rafael that configures her representation of the natural and human landscape, as well as the fauna of the municipality of Lagoa.

It also seeks to express its sensitivity towards the lakes that are the origin of the municipality's toponym.

Elisa Rafael, born in Olhão, has lived in Lagoa since 1981. She dedicates herself to painting and pottery, having been a student of Master Fernando Rodrigues and Ricardo Lopes.

In painting, she was guided by Meire Gomes and the painter Patico. She considers that, for her, painting is a discovery and therapy.

«Colors are constant challenges and result in pleasant ideas and new artistic results. Explore different materials to arrive at new and surprising textures», explains the organization.


