Lagos Municipal Assembly votes on budget for 2024

This session takes place with the presence of the public.

The Municipal Assembly of Lagos meets, in an ordinary session, on December 11th, from 20:30 pm, in the Auditorium of the 2024st Century Town Hall Building, to approve the budget for XNUMX. 

This will be the first item on the agenda.

The session also includes, in addition to written information from the Mayor about the Municipality's activity, a debate scheduled by the CDU Municipal Group, with the theme: “Traffic, Parking and Road Safety in the Municipality of Lagos”, and the assessment and voting of the proposal for Internal Regulations of the Social Assistance and Monitoring Service.

In addition to this, there is a vote on the proposal for a Municipal Regulation to Support Childhood Vaccination and the Implementation Agreement with the Parish Councils.

Finally, the proposals for the decommissioning of a plot of land from the Municipal Public Domain, in the Pedra Alçada Urbanization, and a control and monitoring report on the Management Risk Prevention Plan, including corruption and related infractions of the Municipality, will be voted on. of Lagos – Years 2021 and 2022.

This session takes place with the presence of the public.

Citizens who wish to do so may intervene at the beginning of the session, during the period of public interventions, to succinctly request any clarifications they wish, covering matters related to the Municipality. The intervention cannot exceed 5 minutes and requires prior registration, up to a maximum of five interventions.

The works of this session can be followed on the internet, at Youtube channel and on the Lagos Municipal Assembly Facebook page.

Click here to see the Notice (PDF).


