Algarve associations raise funds to promote family care in the Algarve

There are few children in the Algarve region welcomed by families

The António Aleixo Foundation, the Association for the Protection of Girls and Families (AIPAR) and ATR – Algarve Trail Running Association will promote a fundraising campaign for the Family Reception project – Aleixo Families, between the 30th of November and December 31st, and initially count on the support of the Ombria tourist-residential development.

«In Portugal there are 6369 children in foster care and of these only 3,5% are placed in foster families. With regard to the reality of the Algarve region, of the 308 children in residential care, only 4 are in foster families», describe the campaign promoters.

The fundraising campaign aims to help the António Aleixo Foundation and AIPAR «in publicizing the social response Acolhimento Familiar no Algarve, whose objective is to promote family care in the district of Faro, of children aged 0 to 18”.

Farense athlete Filipe Conceição, who will participate in the Algarvia Ultra Trail – ALUT, which takes place between the 30th of November and the 3rd of December, also sponsors the fundraising campaign on the GoFundMe website.

«The amount raised will allow the Aleixo Foundation and AIPAR to publicize the social response of Family Care», they explain.


