Loulé promotes active and healthy aging week

Activities started on the 7th and run until the 13th

The Municipality of Loulé is developing, until October 13th, another edition of the “Aging and Living” Active and Healthy Aging Promotion Week.

With free entry, the program includes interactive sessions on lifestyles and the promotion of mental and physical health, physical activity, lectures, and features experts in various areas related to the issues of active aging and the rights of older people.

This initiative is part of the celebrations of the International Day of the Elderly (1 October), which in Loulé was marked with the show “Insónia”, by the artist Fernando Mendes, which brought together around 1 thousand spectators at the Municipal Pavilion “Professor Joaquim Vairinhos”.

On Saturday, there was a social dance in the Party Hall, with the participation of the João de Deus Secondary School Dance Club, and on Sunday, at 15:30 pm, at Mar Shopping Algarve, the Painting and Macramé Exhibition was inaugurated, with elaborate works within the scope of the Bairr'Art Project.

This Monday the Cineteatro Louletano began hosting, from 10 am, a meeting during which the proposal for implementing the Age-friendly Cities and Communities Project of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Portugal will be presented and a discussion on health policies and initiatives implemented in the different member states of the WHO European region that aim to promote the health, well-being and quality of life of older people, in a scenario of increasing longevity.

At Palácio Gama Lobo, seniors will be invited to have a creative experience. Under the motto “Sharing memories… Making work”, participants will have the opportunity to be in contact with one of the artisanal traditions of this municipality, which gained a new dynamic with the Loulé Criativo project. The activity takes place in
10th, at 10 am.

In the afternoon, from 14:30 pm, an open session will take place promoted by DECO, GNR and APAV, with the aim of alerting this population to prevent scams and aggressive sales that, in many cases, target elderly people.

On Wednesday, the 11th, awareness-raising initiatives will continue: at 10 am, on self-care for elderly people to prevent the disease, and at 00 pm, on issues of sexuality in this age group.

The following day, a session on mental health will take place (10 am), while Carmen Garcia, nurse and author of the book “The Last Solitude”, will talk about the challenges of aging (00 pm).

The program ends on October 13th, with a morning of entertainment and conviviality. In Loulé Municipal Park, some well-being practices will be in focus, such as promoting healthy eating through Showcooking “How to have a healthy picnic” or physical exercise. Participants will also have
a small Tai Chi and Integral Hatha Yoga class.

At Palácio Gama Lobo, at 14:30 pm, an information session on social benefits and practical information on social benefits is planned, coordinated by the Social Security Institute of Faro.

This week is intended to be a dynamic space for reflection and learning, open to all citizens and institutional partners who, in the municipality of Loulé, contribute to promoting a better quality of life for the population aged 65 and over and your families.

Participation is free, but registration is required for some activities highlighted in the program.



