Misericórdia de Albufeira collects school material for those who need it most

Donations must be delivered by October 15th

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Albufeira is running a solidarity campaign to collect school supplies for students in need. 

«The initiative to collect unused material aims to combat asymmetries between students and respond to the needs of 750 children and young people of various levels of education», says Misericórdia.

Erasers, boxes of colored pencils, notebooks with A4 black cover (line and grid), scientific and graphing calculators, stick and liquid glues, boxes of crayons, ballpoint pens (blue, black, green and red), charcoal pencils , backpacks for preschoolers and backpacks for first and second cycles and scissors are the necessary materials.

Donations must be delivered by October 15th, at Espaço Em Con_tato (Rua António Aleixo, nº 22, Lote 1, Albufeira).

Anyone who wishes can also make donations by bank transfer (IBAN: PT50 0033.0000.45603855869.05), with the right to a receipt.


