EMARP criticizes Algar for the state of «unhealthy» in which Portimão is

EMARP recalls that this situation is due to the «inefficient collection of recyclable waste, which is solely and exclusively the responsibility of Algar»

Ecological island overflowing in Alvor – Photo: Elisabete Rodrigues | Sul Informação

Recycling containers «overflowing», waste that «end up flying through the streets» and a state of «unhealthy health that is not acceptable». This is how EMARP (Municipal Water and Waste Company of Portimão) classifies the situation in the city, pointing out criticisms of Algar and showing “solidarity” with the citizens’ indignation. 

In a statement sent to the newsrooms, EMARP recalls that this situation is due to the «inefficient collection of recyclable waste, solely and exclusively the responsibility of Algar, the entity responsible for the selective collection of these three flows in the Algarve region».

EMARP clarifies that it is «responsible for the collection of Undifferentiated and Organic Urban Waste, which during the summer season also undergoes a substantial increase, requiring an additional effort on the part of the company with a daily collection frequency in order to provide the necessary response and avoid that there is an accumulation of this waste in the streets of Portimonense».

This plan, says EMARP, «has been fulfilled».

The municipal company adds, moreover, that this poor service by Algar «is recurrent and has been getting worse», which has already led to the fact that, on several occasions, «several alerts were made to the said entity, including a communication addressed to the ERSAR (Entity, Regulator of Water and Waste Services) requesting the institution's intervention in resolving the problem».

Algar, through a contract signed with the Portuguese State, is the only entity responsible for the management of Recyclable Waste (paper and cardboard/plastic and metal/glass), as well as for the treatment of urban waste generated in the Algarve.

Coverage of costs associated with the management of recyclable waste comes from Ecovalor, which all product producers/packers or packaging producers pay for each package they place on the market, this value being distributed by companies such as Algar.

The “Urban Waste” tariff, included in EMARP's environmental invoice, refers exclusively to waste collected by EMARP and delivered to Algar, upon payment to this company, so that the disposal is carried out in the Barlavento Sanitary Landfill.

In addition to collecting undifferentiated waste, EMARP has a collection service for “monsters” and bulky objects, as well as garden waste and special green waste, which can be requested by customers. The service is simple, fast and free of charge, just contact us by email: [email protected] or telephone: 808 282 260 (local call charge).

Despite raising awareness, EMARP says that “the incorrect disposal of waste outside the Ecological Islands continues to occur, compromising the common space”.

«This problem, which worsens at this time of the year, due to the greater flow of people in the region, is also due to the inadequate disposal of waste by commercial establishments, which, due to the high production of recyclables, compromise the load capacity of the container. of the Islands intended for domestic production'.

Furthermore, for commercial establishments (small businesses, restaurants and services) Algar has a dedicated, public and free service available – the Algarlinha service, which is free to join.


