1793 CHUA workers progress in their careers after performance evaluations

From a universe of 4303 workers to which the Integrated Management and Performance Assessment System in Public Administration applies

The Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve has in recent years promoted the remuneration progression of a total of 1793 employees, «with effects from 2018 to 806 employees, from 2019 to 911 employees and from 2021 to 76», following performance evaluations, announced this institution.

These advances were made following the implementation of the Integrated Management and Performance Assessment System in Public Administration, commonly known as SIADAP, which applies to a total of 4303 CHUA workers.

Added to these progressions are those of five hundred nurses, under a diploma published in 2022, who, despite being the result of "a process of career reconstruction and suppression of evaluation absences", in practice, progressed in their careers, according to CHUA.

This assessment was carried out by the Human Capital Service of the Algarve hospitals, which is the entity responsible for assessing workers at the Algarve hospital centre.

«In order to correct some existing gaps, since 2020 the Human Capital Service of CHUA has been considering SIADAP as a valuable form of evaluation, having registered, in the biennium 2019/2020, 1214 performance evaluations, on a regular basis, of general career professionals (careers covered by this assessment system without adaptations) and 533 curriculum weightings were analyzed and weighted», describes the CHUA.

For the 2021/2022 biennium, "252 assessments of general careers have already been approved and the assessment of this biennium for 1803 nursing workers has been closed".



