ETIC_Algarve students present a short film and a documentary at the IPDJ in Faro

Films were directed by graduates of the Directing, Cinema and TV class 21|23

The premiere of the short fiction film “Ophelia” and the documentary “The sustainable menu”, both directed by graduates of the Directing, Cinema and TV 21|23 class of ETIC_Algarve, will take place on the 24th of July, at 21 pm, at delegation of Faro of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth.

The short fiction “Ophelia” «is a drama that is influenced by the “bocitore”, a Romanian cultural element in which women go to wakes to cry and sing the deceased and that has a parallel in Portugal with the mourners. Ophelia, becomes a “bocitore”, after the death of her son and in the short we can follow her way to overcome her loss », describes ETIC_Algarve.

The documentary “The sustainable menu” «deals with the application of the “Farm to Table” model to the local restoration of Faro, following the journey of a chef, with the help of specialist Eelco Schaap, to find a viable solution to the excesses of the catering industry and the true path to sustainability».

The trailers for the two projects can be seen here.

Entry to the session is free.



