Project Atlazul helped drive blue growth in Algarve and Alentejo

Closing session of this European project took place this week

Atlazul partners gathered on Wednesday, June 7th, in Seville, for the closing session of this cross-border project, which aimed to boost blue growth.

This project brought together 18 partners in Portugal, firstly the Coordination and Regional Development Commissions (CCDR) of the Algarve and Alentejo, but also the Universities of the Algarve and Évora, Sines Tecnopolo, IPMA and Docapesca, «as entities that implemented and concrete projects”.

«The ATLAZUL project aimed at developing synergies between the sectors of the blue economy that enable new opportunities for business investment and greater competitiveness between the companies involved in the different sectors of the Blue Economy», according to CCDR Algarve, which joined the project within the scope of of its mission "to ensure European territorial cooperation, boost cross-border cooperation around the smart specialization strategy and the growth potential of the blue, sustainable and innovative economy in Andalusia, Alentejo, Algarve and Galicia".

The «acquisition and transfer of knowledge in the context of capturing and processing marine information, on processes related to the sectors of the Blue Economy» and «identifying the Blue Growth potential in each region, together with the design of Regional Blue Growth Strategies and appropriate forms of governance, all within the scope of an Atlantic Maritime Alliance», are other objectives of Atlazul.

«The Economy of the Sea and its resources are part of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy, as well as within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) Olhão is part of the HUB AZUL national network.
In financial terms, the project had a budget of 5,5 million euros and was co-financed by the ERDF, through the Operational Program for Cross-Border Cooperation Interreg VA Spain Portugal (POCTEP)», concluded the CCDR.





