Secular Market of Alcaçarias will be recreated in Faro

This market will have free entry

The Alcaçarias Market, secular and «great importance» for Faro, will be recreated from this Friday, 26th, until Sunday, 28th, at Espaço Muralhas, in Cidade Velha.

This medieval and Islamic market with over 700 years of history will have free admission and will open from 18 pm to midnight.

«Along the approximately 5000 m2 of enclosure, some artistic and cultural notes are planned, with Islamic and medieval dancers, fire-eaters, jugglers and fakirs», says the União de Freguesias de Faro, organizer of the event.

In addition, visitors will be able to find a gastronomy area, as well as sellers of handicrafts, antiques, bijouterie, goldsmithery and endogenous and regional products.

After the conquest of Faro in 1249, D. Afonso III, afraid that the Moors would create external pockets of resistance, allowed its settlement on the outskirts of the city.

This granted area was called Mouraria and there the Arabs created an area of ​​daily markets (the alcaçaries) that gained great economic importance at the local level, for Arabs, Jews and Christians.

It was in these markets where these three peoples could live together and carry out their commercial exchanges and the alcaçaries were gaining more and more importance, in such a way that, in the reign of D. Manuel I, these markets were already considered the great mercantile center of Faro.


