Portimão hosts meeting to prepare the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia cooperation framework

This will be the third working day of the “Atlazul” project

60 specialists, technicians and researchers in the blue economy will prepare, next Tuesday, April 18th, at the Portimão Museum, the next Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia cooperation framework. 

This will be the third working day of the “Atlazul” project, which aims to draw up a Cross-border Cooperation Strategy for Blue Growth in the Algarve, Alentejo and Andalusia regions.

«The general objective of the project is to identify challenges and opportunities and create networks that promote the specialization of the cross-border area in blue growth, as well as to develop innovative actions in the field of Blue Growth policies related to metabolic processes that provide new solutions with digital support and the improvement of terrestrial and marine knowledge», explains the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve.

In this working day, the intention is to identify the assets that the region presents in the themes to be addressed, which can be valued in cooperation, as well as the proposals for cooperation projects/actions to be developed, to promote the valuation of these assets, and which will be opportunely concerted with the other regions, requesting for this purpose the completion of a typified project form.

As speakers foreseen in the program, there will be representatives of the Administration of the Ports of Sines and the Algarve, Docapesca, Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere, Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Algarve, University of the Algarve, CiTUR, CCMAR, University of Évora, Necton, GreenCoLab, Nautiber, Sopromar and Sunconcept, as well as their counterparts in Andalusia, with the Secretary of State for Fisheries present at the opening session and, at the end, a message from the Secretary of State for the Sea.


