Telework will be extended to parents with children with disabilities or chronic illnesses

The proposal of the socialists was approved, in the specialty

Members unanimously approved today, February 1, within the scope of the votes on the Decent Work Agenda, a PS proposal that extends the right to telework to parents with children with disabilities or chronic illness, regardless of age.

The socialists' proposal was approved, in particular, in the working group on labor changes within the scope of the Decent Work Agenda, which is due to conclude work today, after a marathon of meetings since November.

«The worker with a child up to three years of age or, regardless of age, with a child with a disability or chronic illness who lives with him/her at the same table and room, is entitled to carry out the activity in a teleworking regime, when this is compatible with the activity performed and the employer has the resources and means to do so», foresees the PS proposal.

The PS rejected, however, a PSD proposal that intended to include in this article the right to telework for people with children with oncological disease, thus failing the initiative of the social democrats, which deserved the favorable votes of the other parties.

«We were unable to understand and we regret that the PS did not accept our proposal», said PSD deputy Clara Marques Mendes.

BE José Soeiro and PCP Alfredo Maia deputies also regretted the 'lead' of the PSD's proposal to include cancer patients in the right to telework, despite referring to the "advance" achieved with the PS's proposal.

The changes to the labor law go to the final global vote on Friday and are due to come into force in April.

In 2021, when the teleworking regime was changed, it now covers, in addition to parents with children up to three years old, parents with children up to eight years old, without the need for an agreement with the employer, provided that it is exercised by both parents «in successive periods of equal duration within a maximum reference period of 12 months'.

Telework was also extended at the time to single-parent families or situations in which only one of the parents, demonstrably, meets the conditions to carry out the activity in a telework regime.

This extension made in 2021 excludes, however, workers in micro-enterprises, that is, companies with less than ten employees.

Workers with non-main informal caregiver status also gained the right to perform telework functions, for a maximum period of four consecutive or interspersed years.


