Portimonense turns result with Marítimo with goals in the space of seven minutes

Portimonense won 2-1

Two goals in the space of seven minutes today allowed Portimonense to turn the result around and win 2-1 against Marítimo, a result that leaves the islanders in a very complicated situation in the fight for maintenance.

A goal by Xadas, in the 13th minute, soon gave the islanders an advantage, which added the fourth consecutive defeat for the championship, but Maurício, at 84, and Welinton Júnior, at 90+1, turned the result over to the Algarve, who are further and further away from the 'dangerous' zone of the table.

With this triumph, Portimonense reaches 26 points and rises to eighth place, while Marítimo remains in 17th and penultimate place, with 13 points, two less than Santa Clara, situated in 16th place, which gives access to to the maintenance play-off, and already eight from Famalicão, the first team placed above the relegation line.


