Lagoa e Carvoeiro and the Aryel association sterilized 215 cats and two stray bitches in 2022

Union of Parishes and animal protection association will launch campaign to collect goods for animals

55 animals collected for treatment and recovery and 215 cats and two female dogs sterilized, registered and electronically identified. This is the balance sheet for 2022 of the Gato de Rua project, promoted in partnership by the União das Freguesias de Lagoa e Carvoeiro (UFLC) and by Aryel – Associação de Defesa Animal de Lagoa, under a protocol.

All work is based on the Capture-Sterilize-Return (CED) method, a «humane and effective way of controlling cat colonies and reducing wild feline populations».

“The process involves capturing cats from a colony, sterilizing them, making a small cut in the left ear for identification purposes, deworming and finally returning the animals to their home territory where they are fed and protected by a caregiver. Whenever possible, docile adult animals and offspring that are still of socialization age are removed from the colonies and sent for adoption», according to the UFLC.

«All animals are internally and externally dewormed, reducing the public health risks related to parasitic zoonoses, in the same way, the external deworming of animals from controlled CED colonies allows the control of parasite infestations such as fleas and ticks», he adds.

The cats are collected and transported, with the collaboration of Aryel – Lagoa Animal Protection Association, through the CED protocol.

The Union of Parishes of Lagoa and Carvoeiro will also collect food and essential goods for animals from the Union of Parishes of Lagoa and Carvoeiro, in collaboration with Aryel – Animal Protection Association, between March 1st and December 31st.

The campaign focuses on goods such as dog and cat food, cleaning products and sand for cats, which can be delivered to the União de Freguesias offices or to Aryel.

This initiative «aims to help the hundreds of animals at risk that are under the protection of Aryel».

The Union of Parishes of Lagoa and Carvoeiro hopes to be able to raise the necessary goods «so that the “Jardim da Aryel” continues its work efficiently».


