“Botany in Watercolor” presented at Escola de Artes Mestre Fernando Rodrigues

The exhibition will be on display at the Manuela Vale Gallery, from the 2nd to the 31st of March

The Watercolor Exhibition “Botânica em Aguarela”, by Toni Dade, will be presented at the Escola de Artes Mestre Fernando Rodrigues, in Lagoa, at Galeria Manuela Vale, from the 2nd to the 31st of March.

This internationally awarded work by Toni Dade consists of «watercolors inspired by years of close observation of the nature found in the interior of the Algarve».

«I hope these paintings make people look a little closer at the visual wonders that the natural world offers», says the author.

Toni Dade, trained in Natural History Illustration, has consistently painted in recent years and regularly exhibited at the The Society of Botanical Artists, works «detailed botanical works in watercolor, a sensitive medium that he considers ideal for delicate and descriptive studies».

«I live and work in a beautiful rural area in the Algarve. My time is divided between painting, teaching art, pilates and taking care of stray dogs and cats. As I walk with my furry friends, I am inspired and work with the beauty and decay of the seasonal nature around me», says the author.

The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for the 2nd at 18 pm.

The exhibition has free admission and can be visited from Monday to Friday, in the morning, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, and in the afternoon, from 14:30 pm to 17:00 pm.

