Lagos: More than 100 university students will receive municipal scholarship

An annual charge of 275 thousand euros

Lagos City Council will, once again, grant support to students who are attending higher education in the current academic year. 

In the current tender, which is nearing completion, 100 grants are expected to be allocated, a number that may still grow as some processes are in the appraisal phase.

This investment in the qualification and future of young people in Lagos translates into an annual cost of 275 thousand euros for the Municipality, which allows for a monthly increase (for 10 months) for these students with 250 euros.

The municipality defines the initiative as "an important help for those who continue their studies and complete their training".

Promoted under the “Municipal Regulation for the Attribution of Education Awards and Study Scholarships”, this competition aims to support students who are attending Higher Professional Technical, Bachelor's, Master's and Integrated Master's courses and who meet the applicable regulatory conditions.


