Family care for children and young people at risk advances in the Algarve

Social Security signed agreements with the Association for the Protection of Girls and the Family and the António Aleixo Foundation

The District Center Faro of the Institute of Social Security signed two cooperation agreements for the social response of Home Care with Private Institutions of Social Solidarity in the district: AIPAR – Association for the Protection of Girls and the Family and the António Aleixo Foundation.

«Family care consists of giving the child or young person trust to a natural person or a family, qualified for the purpose, aiming to provide the child or young person with integration into a stable family environment that guarantees adequate care for their needs and to their well-being, as well as the education and affection necessary for their integral development», explains the District Centre.

These agreements established with institutions in the solidarity sector, in close articulation with Social Security, will allow «to provide host families with the necessary resources to make the reception personalized and individualized, to prepare and support the child or young person, in order to ensure an adequate integration and adaptation in the host family and in the execution of plans and intervention programs, collaborate and support the family of origin, in order to favor and facilitate the integration of the child or young person».

The established partnership will make it possible to «promote the integral well-being of the child or young person, satisfying their development needs, guaranteeing the proper implementation of the reception measure».


