The public discussion of the amendment of the Lagos MDP begins today

There will be 30 working days of public discussion, open to citizen participation

Today, October 25th, and until December 9th, the period of Public Discussion on the Amendment of the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) of Lagos begins.

The proposed amendment, which was approved at a meeting of the Chamber, aims to promote the adequacy of this instrument to the new rules of classification and qualification of the soil enshrined in the Law of General Bases of Public Policy on Soils, Territorial Planning and Urbanism (LBPPSOTU) .

During the 30 working days for the citizen participation phase, the documents that make up the proposal will be accessible through the area of Virtual Desk/Public Participation of the Lagos City Council website

All the written and drawn elements subject to change are available for consultation, as well as the Procedural Conference Minutes, together with the opinions issued by the Algarve Regional Development and Coordination Commission and by the other entities that have commented, and also by the document referring to the Weighting of the Opinions Issued for Procedural Conference and Consultation.

For better visualization and understanding, the consultation of the drawings resulting from the proposed amendment to the Lagos MDP can also be done using the application that can be downloaded by clicking here.

All documents may also be consulted in person, during office hours, at the Paços do Concelho Séc Building. XXI, Floor 1 – Department of Territorial Planning and Management, where technicians from the Territorial Planning Division will provide, when requested, clarifications on the proposal to amend the plan.

The participation of citizens itself takes place and is formalized using the Participation Form also made available by the municipality, which can be printed and sent by mail to the address indicated above, through the electronic address expediente.geral@cm-lagos. pt or even presented in person at the Office of Citizens and Companies of that municipality.

The Lagos City Council informs that, “under the terms of the applicable legislation, in the areas to be covered by new urban rules resulting from the procedure for amending the PDM in progress, the procedures for prior information, prior communication and licensing are suspended from the date of date set for the beginning of the period of Public Discussion until the date of entry into force of the Amendment to the Municipal Master Plan or, within a maximum period of 180 days, if the new urban rules do not enter into force».

Regarding this suspension, the Municipality recommends that interested parties carefully read the more detailed information available in the Virtual Desk/Public Participation of the official page of the municipality.



