Silves asks the Government to reinforce investment in the Public School

Rosa Palma participated in the National Meeting of Mayors

The Chamber of Silves promises to make every effort so that the Government reinforces investment in the Public School and makes the transfer of competencies “the corresponding funds in the State Budget, in order to respond in a phased and timed manner to the emerging needs of the school park” .

Rosa Palma, the mayor of Silves, participated in the 7th National Meeting of Mayors, which took place yesterday in Viseu and "where local funding and the decentralization of competences to municipalities were discussed, with a view to sharing experiences and collecting contributions for the missing legislation", according to the Silvese municipality.

In her speech, Rosa Palma «underlined that the Government has confirmed the inadequacy of means and legislative inconsistencies, which place enormous constraints and difficulties in the management and in the adequate responses to the needs of schools, imposing on the municipalities the eternal finding of additional and support of the charges at its sole responsibility'.

The meeting, organized by the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities, was attended by around 500 mayors from all over the country.




