64 young volunteers from Loulé participated in forest surveillance this summer

For the 15th consecutive year

For the 15th consecutive year, the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Loulé promoted, in the months of July and August, the program “Forest Surveillance – Youth Volunteering”, in which 64 young people participated.

The project, which is aimed at young people during school holidays, aims to «promote the occupation of free time and raise awareness among young people for the preservation of forest heritage».

In this edition, young people between the ages of 12 and 17 participated, organized into groups of seven, accompanied by a monitor.

The brigades carried out surveillance on alternate days for two weeks, with walks through rural areas in the different parishes of the municipality of Loulé that make up the forest territory.

«This action aimed at preventing and detecting forest fires, raising awareness and informing the population, in addition to learning related to forest fires and outdoor walks», in addition to favoring «interpersonal relationships and coexistence between the elements of the groups», says the Câmara de Loulé in a note.



At the end of each brigade, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Advanced Civil Protection Unit, in Vale Maria Dias, where they contacted the Municipal Forestry Intervention Teams and Forest Sappers.

The young people thus got to know the equipment used by the teams in their daily activity during the period of greatest fire risk, in addition to having contact directly with the GNR horse brigade that collaborates in the same objective of defending the forest.

This program was supported by the parish councils of Alte, Ameixial, Salir and União de Freguesias Querença, Tôr and Benafim, the territories through which these brigades passed.

