Truckers meet again in Loulé and not even Rosinha will miss the party

The initiative will include truck drivers from «various parts of the country and abroad»

The 8th Loulé Truck Drivers' Meeting starts this Friday, July 22, at Parque das Cidades, where there will be exhibitions, expertise and music, with names like Rosinha. 

The Meeting starts tomorrow at 19:00 pm, but it is at 21:30 pm that popular artist Rosinha takes the stage to cheer the participants up. The night also ends with music, this time with the duo Emanuel&Tânia.

On Saturday, the doors open at 10:00 am, for moments of fraternization. In the afternoon, at 15:00, activities with the trucks begin: an exhibition of “machines” where various brands will be represented, a “Truck Racing” with Artur Fidalgo, owner of Arfil Trucks, an entity that prepares trucks for competition, and the delivery of prizes.

Late into the night, Ana Duarte and her band Doce Geração and musician Cristiano Martins will pass the stage to cheer up the audience.

On Sunday, the 24th, truck drivers participate in a convivial lunch, starting at 13:00 pm.

The initiative will include truck drivers from «various parts of the country and abroad».


