ExtremAtmosphere team from Algarve Bruno Gonçalves “chased” a tornado in the USA

Team members were 'completely ecstatic' to be able to watch 'a mighty tornado wedge'.

the team of extreme atmosphere, which includes Bruno Gonçalves, the promoter of the Meteofontes website, hunted «a mighty tornado wedge» on his most recent trip to the so-called Tornado Alley, in the United States of America, between the 14th and 27th of May.

The highlight was the visualization and capture in photography and video of the Morton Tornado, which took place in Texas on May 23, classified as EF2.

«We witnessed the formation of the aforementioned tornado and its growth, in the midst of strong winds and a lot of dust in the air, in a very remarkable event that left our team (and the other elements that we took to the USA and who had never witnessed such a situation) , completely in ecstasy», describe the Portuguese adventurers.

In addition to this phenomenon, the elements of ExtremAtmosfera also had the opportunity to «witness and photograph several severe storms» and promise to publish the images and videos «soon» on your site.



