Applications for Cultural Action and Edition of Thematic Works open until 20 June

DiVaM becomes the third support area of ​​the Cultural Action Program

Applications for the Support Programs of the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve, the PAACA (Support Program for Cultural Action) and the Edition of Thematic Works on the Algarve, are open until June 20th. This year, PAACA has as a novelty the inclusion of DiVaM (Dynamization and Enhancement of Monuments).

All cultural agents based in the Algarve can apply to PAACA, who are non-profit, non-professional collective entities and who, in 2022, do not benefit from sustained support from the tutelage of Culture.

Projects can be applied for in three areas: Creation/Production; Programming/Broadcast; DIVAM – Promotion and Enhancement of Monuments. Each cultural agent can apply for three projects, one for each area of ​​activity.

In the evaluation of applications, projects and initiatives that manifest a direct or indirect relationship, with the contributions of culture, to the “Sustainable Development Goals provided for in the 2030 Agenda” and/or with at least one of the events listed by DRCAlg will be valued.

The main novelty of the 2022 edition is the inclusion of DiVaM as the third support area of ​​the Program, maintaining its purpose of selecting a set of activities that will take place in the monuments related to DRCAlg: Fortaleza de Sagres, Ermida de Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe and Roman ruins of Milreu.

The theme for this year is “Heritages Without Borders”, and the applications, to be submitted in a specific form, must substantiate how the candidate projects fit into the proposed theme. In the evaluation of applications, the relevance of the project's objectives will be taken into account, given the current reality and the heritage context of the monument where it is proposed to intervene.

All authors, natural or resident in the Algarve, and cultural associations based in the region, as well as authors or associations, even if they are not resident or based in the Algarve, can apply to the Support Program for the Edition of Thematic Works on the Algarve. that present works that deal with topics of special direct and relevant interest to the Algarve.

Rules, forms and other supporting documentation is available by clicking here.



