Interculturality is the theme of a workshop in Faro

The initiative is open to the entire population.

A workshop on «Interculturality» will be promoted by the association Atrevo, on the 6th of April, between 19:30 pm and 22:30 pm, at the Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, on the Penha Campus of the University of Algarve, in Faro.

The initiative is free and open to all citizens over 15 years old, who can sign up via email [email protected] until the 5th of April. The maximum number of participants will be 25.

«It is interculturality, our curiosity for other cultures, our respect for other peoples, our attempt to get closer to other origins, our ability to share, our appreciation of differences, our desire to communicate, interact and discover what allows us to highlight diversity as well as our own identity», frames Nuno Alves, co-founder of this Non-Profit Organization.

«It is this love of diversity, it is this culture of encounter, it is this process of humanization that allows us to relate, to “know the other side” and the construction of bridges… and bridges are works of art», he added.

Nuno Alves also recalls that «the lower our capacity to relate to other cultures, that is, the lower our capacity to exercise our interculturality, there will inevitably be the risk of an increase: in social inequality, discrimination, prejudices, the size of our walls, the phenomena of apartheid's and ghettoization processes'.

This event is part of the «Interculturality Week» carried out by the European Anti-Poverty Network [EAPN] and the High Commissioner for Migration [ACM] in Portugal between the 4th and 10th of April.



