Elisa Ferreira, Pedro Cabrita Reis and Tim Vieira confirmed at the Algarve Tech Hub Summit

Algarve Tech Hub also includes a startup competition

There are more names confirmed on the Algarve Tech Hub Summit programme: the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira, the Tourism specialist Dimitrios Buhalis, currently a guest professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic Institute, the plastic artist Pedro Cabrita Reis who, after opening the work Três Garças, at the Louvre Museum, in Paris, makes a short stop in the Algarve before heading to the Venice Biennale, the artist and designer, known for his light installations, Beau McClellan (Bybeau Creative Studio) and the entrepreneur and investor Tim Vieira, CEO of BraveGeneration.

Between the 28th of March and the 3rd of April, in different stages, in Faro and Loulé, the Algarve Tech Hub Summit brings together personalities to discuss and think about the role of innovation and technology in the region, with a focus on tourism, sustainability, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and culture.

Speakers include Alessandra Priante, director for Europe at the World Tourism Organization (WTO), Claudio Calveri, digital strategist for public figures and institutions, cultural producer Pablo Berástegui, coordinator of the Matadero contemporary creation center in Madrid, and who is part of the team responsible for the rehabilitation of the old Fábrica da Cerveja, in Faro, the Brazilian artist Emanuel Pimenta, who collaborated, among others, with the American composer John Cage, the choreographer Merce Cunningham or the Swiss philosopher René Berger, with whom he directed the first video art and electronic art festivals in the world, and the Algarve chef , with an international career and numerous awards under his belt, Leonel Pereira, who runs Checkin, in Faro, recognized as a Big Gourmand by the Michelin Guide.

Other names already confirmed: André Marquet (Productized), Edouard Rollet (Alter Eco and Quinta Bohemia), Joana Glória (Lagos Digital Nomads), Luís Araújo (Turismo de Portugal), Marco Peerboom (Decred), Nelson Luciano (Google Cloud Portugal) , Ramin and Firuza Sultanov (Floovly and EMPWRD) and Stewart Noakes (Canopy Lx).

The event aims to promote the region as a global and competitive technology hub and attract entrepreneurs, digital nomads and remote workers.

This is an initiative led by the Algarve STP – Systems and Technology Partnership, within the scope of promoting the Algarve Tech Hub (ATH) ecosystem, in partnership with Algarve Evolution, AMAL – Algarve Intermunicipal Community, ANJE – National Association of Young Entrepreneurs, City Councils in Faro and Loulé, Algarve Regional Development and Coordination Commission, Faro 2027, Museu Zero, NERA – Business Association of the Algarve Region and University of the Algarve.

As part of the Algarve Tech Hub Summit program, the DISRUPT'22 Algarve Tech Hub is held, a competition for startups, which aims to stimulate new ideas and which has 20 thousand euros in prizes for the most innovative.

In the program, there are lectures and workshops on the metaverse, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. More information at athdisrupt.com.

The event, in face-to-face and online format, is open to the public with free registration, subject to space limitations. Enrollment and full program by clicking here. 


