PDR2020 approved more than one thousand two hundred applications in the Algarve in 2021

Eligible investment amounted to 120 million euros

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The PDR2020 approved 1236 applications in the Algarve, with an eligible value of 120 million euros, 83 million are reimbursed, in the year of 2021.

According to the Algarve Regional Directorate of Agriculture (DRAPAlg), the majority of the applications that were approved in its area of ​​jurisdiction relate to the line “Competitiveness and Organization of Production”. It is also in this area that the highest percentages of investment and public aid are concentrated.

Within this measure, «the actions related to the “Improvement of Irrigation Efficiency” and the “Investments in Agricultural Explorations” of young people (up to 40 years of age) and other farmers represent the largest share, both in number of applications and in terms of approved amounts'.

«The area related to “Environment, Efficiency in the Use of Resources and Climate”, which concentrates measures to support the forest, has an approved incentive of around 15 million euros», added DRAPAlg.

The same entity also highlights Measure 10 – Leader, under the responsibility of the Local Action Groups (Vicentina, In Loco and Terras do Baixo Guadiana), «which has so far accounted for close to three hundred applications, an indicator of the work of animation of the rural world in which these associations have been involved».



