Olhão does not charge spills this year

Olhão is one of the 107 municipalities that, at the national level, will give up this revenue

The Câmara de Olhão will not charge a surcharge in 2022: that is, the value of the tax on the profit of companies in the municipality “will be on the side of the entrepreneurs”.

Olhão is one of the 107 municipalities that, at the national level, will give up this revenue in favor of local investors.

«Our policy is to encourage the installation of new companies, as well as to reduce the tax burden of those that have their headquarters here», says António Pina, mayor of Olhão.

The mayor also recalls that, during the last two years of the pandemic, the Municipality “created a set of measures to support entrepreneurs and companies in the municipality, namely the non-payment of occupation fees for public space, allied to this with the 'Derrama Zero'”, which has been in force for several years».

The surcharge is a revenue of the municipalities, and more and more are those who choose not to give up these amounts, even though they make exceptions and create exemptions or reduced rates for companies with certain previously defined characteristics. This year, of the 308 Portuguese municipalities, 201 are preparing to collect this tax and, of these, 127 opt for the highest rate provided for by law (1,5%).



