Salvador Sobral, exhibition and guided tour help Lagos celebrate 449 years as a city

It was on the 27th of January 1573 that King D. Sebastião recognized Lagos as a city

A show by Salvador Sobral, the presentation of a book on gastronomy, the opening of an exhibition of local artists and a guided tour. These are some of the activities with which Lagos will celebrate, from the 27th to the 29th of January, the 449th anniversary of becoming a city. 

It was on the 27th of January 1573 that King D. Sebastião recognized Lagos as a city, a process that began in 1504 with the attribution of the Charter by D. Manuel I. This recognition would end up reinforcing the city as one of the most important locations in the History of Portugal. , especially in the period of the Portuguese Discoveries.

To mark the occasion, the program begins on January 27, at 17:00 pm, with the presentation of the book “Baía de Lagos – Comida do Mar” at the Paços do Concelho XNUMXst Century Auditorium, a tribute to the local gastronomy so closely linked to the sea.

On the same day, at 19 pm, the Orquestra Clássica do Sul will give the concert “Contrastes e Afinidades”, an interpretation of themes by Bach, Stravinsky and Mozart.

On the 28th, at 21 pm, Salvador Sobral returns to Lagos to present his new work, “bpm”, in a concert at the Centro Cultural de Lagos.

The 29th will be quite busy with activities that will take place throughout the day.

In the morning, the guided tour “Lagos, D. Sebastião and Memórias” will take place, which sold out in just a few hours. But the tributes to D. Sebastião do not stop here, and at 15 pm, at the Centro Cultural de Lagos, historians Artur de Jesus and José António Martins will talk about the topic in the lecture “Lagos, Terras do Infante, D. Sebastião and Sebastianism”.

Also at the Cultural Center, the exhibition of LocalARTE will be inaugurated, a project that aims to support and promote the local artistic community. Forty-nine participating artists will have their works exhibited in this cultural facility until March 19.

The program closes with the screening of the short film “Memories of the Future”, a project developed by the cultural association “A Caravan” in the cities of Lagos, Santarém and Sever do Vouga that symbolizes an important tribute to all grandmothers and to their experience and memories. .

In these three days of celebrations, there will also be the opportunity to visit all the museological equipment in the county for free.



