Seniors and residents of social neighborhoods knit Christmas trees and crochet crib

One of the Christmas trees, as well as the gifts and the nativity scene, now serve as the setting for the online transmission of the solemn session of the Day of the City

Users of senior social centers and community centers in Portimão knitted three Christmas trees and a crib by hand, following the challenge made by the City Council to participate in a project alluding to the Christmas season, with the aim of combating isolation in the past. of pandemic.

Under the motto "Christmas with Art", the execution of the works now completed began in March and passed by the users of the Community Centers in the Cruz da Parteira, Coca Maravilhas and Pontal neighborhoods and the users of the Senior Living Centers, under coordination of the respective animators, in a total very close to a hundred participants.

According to the local authority, "the initial proposal on the table was to make a Christmas tree in wool rosettes, but the large number of residents of the neighborhoods involved in this social project exceeded the best expectations, and three Christmas trees were eventually made. , between 2 and 3 meters, with the use of about a thousand skeins of wool».

In order to minimize the effects of isolation, residents and users of the participating centers did much of this work in their own homes, in a safe way, strictly following the plan initially proposed.

In addition to collaborating with the Christmas trees, users of the Senior Social Centers of Portimão and Aldeia das Sobreiras also made two gifts and a nativity scene, also with crochet finishes.

One of the Christmas trees, as well as the gifts and the nativity scene, today served as the setting for the online broadcast the solemn session of the Day of the City, which took place this Saturday in the main hall of Passos do Concelho.

The trees will also be part of the Christmas decoration of some municipal spaces, namely the Municipal Market and the assistance desk of the Municipality's Housing, Social Development and Health Division, where CLAIM Portimão – Local Support Center for the Integration of Migrants – operates.




