Tavira receives the green flag for "Autarchy + Family Responsible"

Distinction is in charge of the Observatory of Family Responsible Local Authorities | OAFR

Photos: Hugo Rodrigues | Sul Informação (File)

The municipality of Tavira will receive the green flag of “Autarchy + Family Responsible” for the good practices instituted in favor of the well-being of families, in a ceremony to take place on the 25th of November, Thursday, in Coimbra.

This distinction is in charge of the Observatory of Family Responsible Local Authorities | OAFR, the entity responsible for the green flags.

The OAFR considered the municipality of Tavira as «one of those that invested the most in the construction of an integrated policy to support the global family, carrying out a set of measures and good practices in order to guarantee families the full exercise of their responsibilities and competences. in order to prevent and support situations of risk and vulnerability», says the municipality.

Tavira was one of the 132 municipalities to respond to the survey, which was based on ten areas of action, including support for maternity and paternity, support for families with special needs, basic services, education and training or housing and urban planning.

Mobility and transport, health, culture, sport, leisure and free time, cooperation, institutional relations and social participation were also part of the survey areas.

The survey also included other initiatives aimed at employees in terms of reconciling family and working life.

In this edition, the 13th, 84 municipalities were distinguished based on 2020 data.


