Startup Albufeira is already helping local entrepreneurs to move from idea to business

First bootcamp of the business incubator of the Câmara de Albufeira is underway

13 local entrepreneurs are participating in the first bootcamp of Startup Albufeira, the business incubator of the Câmara de Albufeira, a four-day initiative that aims to support innovative projects with business potential in the areas of Tourism and Creativity.

This action, carried out in partnership with Territórios Criativos, «consists of conducting intensive training lasting four days, in person, with moments of training and qualification, mentoring, inspiring lectures, networking and teamwork».

The first phase of the bootcamp took place on the 2nd and 3rd of November at Startup Albufeira, next to the Secondary School, and served for the entrepreneurs involved to present their ideas, «which will be monitored and developed within the scope of the initiative».

By the end of the month, «participants will be accompanied by mentors, in individualized online sessions, which aim to help them develop their projects and prepare the Pitch/presentation".

On December 2nd, there is another moment of in-person mentoring.

The bootcamp ends with the presentation of the projects in a session open to the public, which will include the presence of potential partners and investors, scheduled for December 3rd, at Quinta do Canhoto.

More information can be obtained from Startup Albufeira, through the email [email protected] or by telephone: +351 289 599 579| +351 969 516 702.


List of ideas presented:

– Our Pack – personalized packages to be offered through e-commerce and which give access to new experiences in the area of ​​hotels, leisure, gastronomy, beauty and well-being;

– Ponto Nato Atelier – macramé and tapestry atelier, designed to create decorative pieces and accessories made with 100% Portuguese and 100% recycled material, combined with workshops;

– Quinta Coelho – agricultural exploration and production of regional sweets and local accommodation of a rustic nature, aimed at preserving and expanding a small family business, promoting unique experiences and learning in the field of agriculture and sustainability;

– SAL SABI – project that involves the creation of a restaurant that combines Cape Verdean and Portuguese dishes;

– Albufeira Ludic Museum – space for recreational activities and science;

– Project in the area of ​​Graphic Design;

– Rodart 2.0 – Design in Movement – ​​Decoration of vehicles with works proposed by young designers under the theme “Symbols of Portugal”, and in the future it is planned to extend the scope of the project to other artistic expressions and forms of urban art

– Food & Wine Match – Virtual Catalog which aims to make known to those who live here and those who visit us the connection between traditional cuisine and Algarve wines, encouraging their development and the need to “eat” and “drink” the Algarve together;

– Atelier Criativo – Workshops on artistic activities, combined with the presentation of workshops, classes and artistic summer camps for children and young people in Albufeira;

– InArt – project aimed at children that aims to contemplate accessible and inclusive tourism experiences in the arts.



