RIAS practical course teaches how to treat wild animals

The course will take place on the 5th, 6th and 7th of November at the ICNF facilities in Olhão

The RIAS - Wildlife Recovery and Research Center will carry out the 5th edition of the practical course “Introduction to Wild Fauna Medicine” on the 5th, 6th and 7th of November, at the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF), at Quinta de Marim, in Olhão.

Essentially aimed at students and professionals in the field of veterinary medicine or similar, the course will introduce, through eight modules, a little more about biology and medicine applied to wild animals.

Participants in this course are usually students of biology, veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing, and there is also space for other participants.

The course's eight modules include the basics of recovery, capture, handling and containment, first aid for marine mammals or basic procedures and forensic medicine for wildlife.

The training will end with a guided tour of the RIAS facilities.

In the last four editions there were 123 participants in this course.

The detailed program can be consulted here and those interested in attending the training can now sign up.

All entrants will be entitled to a certificate of participation and the coffee breaks during training.

The group registrations must be made in at the same time, a form for each participant, having to, in the observations, indicate the name of the other elements of the group.

For more information you can consult the website of the initiative.


