“Mais Sucesso” project brought High Commissioner for Migrations to Olhão

“Mais Sucesso” is aimed at children and young people from Bairro 16 de Junho, in Olhão

Getting to know “More Success”, a project of the Youth Movement Association in Olhão (MOJU) which was one of the national winners of the 8G Choices Program, was the objective of the visit that Sónia Pereira, the High Commissioner for Migrations, made to Olhão, last week.

During her visit to the association's headquarters, in Bairro 16 de Junho, Sónia Pereira «had the opportunity to learn about the conditions in which the MOJU has been developing its work in the community», according to the Municipality of Olhão.

The “Mais Sucesso” program “exists to promote school success, as well as to develop social and personal skills in children, young people and their families and their social inclusion”.

The municipality of Olhão is a social investor in this and other MOJU projects, including the “Academia Jovem de Olhão” (AJO) and “Ser Mental”.

At AJO we try to empower young people to become entrepreneurs.

“Being Mental”, another major challenge for the MOJU, “has provided a great deal of help with regard to the mental health of our children, because there is a lot of demand for support in this area and few answers”, according to Elsa Parreira, City Councilor from Olhão, who accompanied the visit.

"We are partners of MOJU through all the support we provide in the context of the various initiatives that the association develops, doing a meritorious work with the most needy young people, in problematic neighborhoods", he added.

As for the visit, Elsa Pareira considered “it is important to know, on the ground, how progress is made in these areas, how work is done with children and young people living in disadvantaged contexts”.


