Boliqueime Parish Council will have a new headquarters with space for the Post Office

Work will cost around 173 euros

The Boliqueime Parish Council will have a new headquarters. The Municipality of Loulé approved the adjudication of the adaptation of a building, owned by the Municipality, which will house the headquarters of the Board and will also have an area for postal service.

According to the Municipality of Loulé, which is going to invest around 173 thousand euros in this work, this is "another important step with a view to improving service to citizens/customers in this municipality and the working conditions of employees of the local administration."

The autarchy emphasizes that one of the fundamental aspects of this building will be «the integration of a space for the postal services, which has long been claimed by the local population since the closure of the existing station in Boliqueime».

Currently, considers the Loulé City Council, «the seat of the Board does not meet the necessary conditions to function in view of the population increase, but also the extension of the competences attributed to the parish, in the scope of the transfer of some of the competences by the Municipality».

Therefore, «it has become imperative to move from the current facilities to a new space that will accommodate new functionalities and
comfort conditions for employees, as well as for the residents of the parish».

The property that will be remodeled is located at Rua João Batista Ramos Faísca, nº 30 – Block B – RC and is owned by the Municipality.

This reclassified building, says the City Council of Loulé, will make it possible to «create better accessibility for the entire population, a new organization of spaces and an articulation of services with a more effective service».

The parish's service area will function independently from the Post Office service area. The building will also have
support offices and meeting room.


