Postigo was the most searched word in the Priberam dictionary during the first quarter

Priberam has integrated 592 new words in the first three months of the year

The word wicket was the most searched for during the first three months of the year in the Priberam dictionary, which also registered an increase in searches of around 30%, compared to the same period in 2020, was released today.

"Since the beginning of this year, more than 78 million searches have been made in the Priberam Dictionary, which represents a growth of about 30% compared to the same period in 2020", reveals Priberam in a statement, specifying that it has been consulted by more 14 million users.

The most searched word so far has been wicket, for reasons related to the rules imposed on trade during confinement, he adds.

The Priberam Dictionary of the Portuguese Language, which celebrated its 12th anniversary on April 1st, now includes 592 new words, many of them associated with Covid-19 or with the field of medicine in general.

Aeromedical, anti-bedsore, quarantine, self-test, borderline, immunotolerant, oncogenicity, mask holder, ear-guard, urinalysis or virtopy are some of these examples.

Relatively to other areas, terms such as anti-fraud, braquiação, colluvial, rushing, gamer, hetero-characterization, Indo-Pacific, Luso-Senegalese, narcos-submarine, parodo or shamanic, among many others were included.

In 2020, the Priberam Dictionary included 2.200 new entries.


