UAlg library debates oral literature in the cycle “Vozes na Primavera”

First conference is already on Saturday

Photo: Pablo Sabater/Sul Informação

The António Rosa Mendes Library, from the University of Algarve, will promote conversations about oral literature in the conference cycle “Vozes na Primavera”, which will take place between the 27th of March, next Saturday, and the 15th of May, always at 15 pm.

The sessions, which will feature members of the Ataíde Oliveira Study Center, from UAlg, are all held through the Zoom Colibri platform. click on this link to gain access.

The first online conference, to take place this Saturday, will have the theme “Legends about the Amazon river dolphins and their relations with European and African legends”, subject to be developed by the speaker JJ Dias Marques.

On April 3, Lucília Chacoto will present “A dialectal study of some Portuguese proverbs”. On the 10th, Alexandra Brito Mariano will talk about “Trees of national public interest and legends associated with them” and on the 17th of next month, José Ruivinho Brazão will be invited to reflect on “The woman in the traditional Portuguese songbook”.

Before the end of April, there will be two more conferences, one on the 24th, with Olga Costa da Fonseca, on the theme “The 10 commandments of traditional storytelling”, and the other on April 30th, on “the maidens who want getting married – from oral tradition to opera”, with Therezinha Hernandes.

In May, on the 3rd, Paulo Jorge Correia will give a presentation on “The traditional tales told by Portuguese emigrants in America”. The cycle ends on the 15th of May with a conference that will have as speaker Adriana Freire Nogueira, who will give “Contributos para an oral repertoire of a Portuguese-Brazilian family”.



