Tavira approves the Local Housing Strategy that wants to support 1349 families by 2030

Câmara de Tavira wants to start with the construction of 26 dwellings in 2021

Archive Photo: Ana Madeira|Sul Informação

The Municipality of Tavira approved the Local Housing Strategy 2021-2030 (ELH) which is the supporting document for the candidacy that the municipality will present to the Support Program for Access to Housing – 1st Right, managed by the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU ). By creating this strategy, the City Council intends to support 1349 families by 2030.

According to the Câmara de Tavira, “the development of HLT is a mandatory requirement for access to the financing lines of the 1st Law Program, in the context of promoting housing solutions for people living in unworthy conditions and without the financial capacity to support the cost access to adequate housing'.

The Local Housing Strategy, continues the municipality, «contains a diagnosis of the housing needs existing in its territory, the solutions that the city council intends to see developed, the programming of solutions and the respective order of priority. Contents required by the ordinance that regulates this program».

The instrument also intends to “create conditions for the immediate use of the 1st Law Program and establish the benchmark to be included in a broader strategy, thus being conceived as an evolutionary document that foresees an investment of 28,2 million euros (of which 18,3 million are eligible under the program, in the form of non-refundable contributions and bonuses) to meet housing needs and make the market more accessible».

The HLT was defined for a period of 10 years and "sets priorities in the short, medium and long term within the framework of strengthening urban regeneration and the rental market, through the construction and rehabilitation of buildings".

In the first three-year period (2021-2023), the Municipality of Tavira will proceed with the construction of 50 dwellings, 26 of which in 2021, in the parishes of Luz de Tavira and Santo Estêvão, Santa Luzia, Conceição and Cabanas de Tavira, in an investment that around 2,9 million euros.

In 2022, it is expected the construction of 12 houses in the parish of Tavira, "along with the rehabilitation of housing fractions that will allow their allocation to another 6 families in a situation of housing shortage", in an investment of around 1,3 million euros, as well as the construction of 12 dwellings in Conceição and Cabanas de Tavira, in 2023, which represent an investment of 1,2 million euros.

Also in this three-year period, the Câmara de Tavira highlights «the priority to be given to the promotion of 37 affordable housing units in order to meet the housing needs of families whose income level does not allow them to access, on the market, housing suitable for your needs".

The municipality also intends to house 20 homeless people in the county and will bet on the continuity of the Municipal Lease Support Program, which currently has 32 beneficiary households and «whose investment forecast will make it possible to respond in a timely and balanced manner to the matching of rents. to the income of a growing number of families who do not have the financial capacity to support the cost of access to decent housing in the rental market».

The Chamber also intends to acquire properties and reinforce urban rehabilitation operations, in 378 dwellings “in order to contribute to the enhancement of the municipal housing stock”.

Owners of marked properties in a situation of housing shortage will also be able to submit applications to the program for access to financing of rehabilitation works or adaptation to situations of restricted mobility, whose contribution may reach up to 100% of eligible expenses.


