Pedestrian access to Praia de Odeceixe is already reclassified

Work cost 267 thousand euros

Pedestrian access to Praia de Odeceixe is already upgraded. This work, which was the last intervention by Polis in the municipality of Aljezur, «requalified and improved pedestrian circulation between the two viewpoints, in the access to the beach, in an extension of 200 meters», emphasizes the City Council.

The municipality explains that a footbridge was installed for pedestrians, which will allow “more safety, more comfort and better accessibility conditions”.

“Small notes of urban arrangements” and “autonomous solar lighting, consisting of small “led” frames, creating scenic lighting, connected to a set of solar cell and battery, were also installed.

About 50 meters away, on the north side, the Municipality of Aljezur said, “a small structure will be installed that will prevent trampling in the natural area, allowing the creation of a “small viewpoint over the beach”.

The costs of the work were covered in their entirety by funds from the Municipality of Aljezur, in a total amount of 267.213 euros.

«This work completes a cycle of Polis interventions, in the municipality of Aljezur, of requalification, beautification and creation of more and better conditions for the places and for those who visit the municipality», concludes the municipality.


