Presidential: Ventura in 2nd also in Portimão and Lagoa

Very similar votes in both municipalities gave victory to Marcelo

André Ventura was the 2nd most voted candidate in the neighboring municipalities of Portimão and Lagoa, both municipalities with a socialist tradition, where Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa was the big winner.

The current President of the Republic obtained 57,24% of the votes in Lagoa and a little less (55,63%) in Portimão.

Ventura, on the other hand, had almost the same vote in both municipalities: 19% in Portimão and 18,79% in Lagoa. In both, the third most voted candidate was Ana Gomes (11,59% in Portimão; 10,50% in Lagoa), followed by Marisa Matias (5,07% and 5,09%) and João Ferreira (3,48 % and 3,63%).

Only at the base of the table do the positions change: Tiago Mayan Gonçalves was the 6th most quoted in Portimão (2,92%), but the 7th in Lagoa (2,33%). On the other hand, Vitorino Silva got more votes in Lagoa (2,42%) than in the neighboring county (2,31%).

In Portimão, 54,96% of registered voters did not vote, while in Lagoa the percentage of abstainers was a little lower (51,61%).


Click here to see the infographic showing how Algarve voters voted.




