Covid-19: Seniors are priority in vaccination and no age limit – Government

According to the Deputy Secretary of State and Health, António Lacerda Sales

The Deputy Secretary of State and Health, António Lacerda Sales, guaranteed today that vaccination for covid-19 will not have any age limit and that the elderly and patients with comorbidities will be a priority.

"The elderly, as well as patients with comorbidities, will be a priority for this Government, in fact, as it has always been a practice of this Government to prioritize the most vulnerable groups", he told journalists, stressing: "There is no age limit".

At a press conference at Air Base nº 11 (BA11) in Beja, Lacerda Sales insisted that the most vulnerable groups of the population, such as the elderly, namely those who are residents of nursing homes, have been "a priority" for the executive, which will maintain the vaccination plan for covid-19.

"We have the example of all the work that we have done in homes, in residential structures for the elderly, and therefore, it would not be now, and it will not be for sure, that age will be a limit for vaccination," he said.

According to a proposal by specialists from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), reproduced today in newspapers, people between 50 and 75 years of age with serious illnesses, employees and users of nursing homes and health professionals involved in the direct provision of care should be the first to be vaccinated against covid-19, thus leaving out elderly people without disease.

In reaction to the news broadcast today, the coordinator of task force created by the Government to define the entire vaccination plan against Covid-19, Francisco Ramos, explained today to Lusa that the proposal presented by the DGS "has no age limit for people interned in homes."

Residents of nursing homes, of any age, employees of these institutions, health professionals, security forces and elderly people with severe comorbidities are the priority groups proposed by the DGS for the vaccine against Covid-19, said Francisco Ramos.

The Deputy Secretary of State and Health said today, at BA11, where he visited a reception center for patients with Covid-19, that the Government received a proposal from the DGS regarding vaccination that «includes all elderly people in homes, without limit age", such as "professionals of these homes, health professionals, forces of authority, patients with comorbidities".

"So this is the reality of the proposal we received", which "has not yet been analyzed by the Ministry of Health", but which, "in due course, with thoughtfulness and serenity", will be subject to analysis and "political decision ", he said.

