Ilha da Culatra presents its new Insular Committee tomorrow

In the scope of the event “Culatra, Sustainable Island”, which is taking place in Faro

Photo: Pablo Sabater | Sul Informação

The Library of Faro will host the presentation and official signing of the agreement to establish the Insular Committee of Ilha da Culatra tomorrow, Friday, at 10:45.

This ceremony is held within the scope of the event “Culatra, Sustainable Island”, which has been taking place since yesterday and ends tomorrow, which “constitutes another important milestone in the strategy and action plans advocated by the Culatra2030 (Sustainable Energy Community) initiative, a of the most outstanding undertakings of sustainability and energy transition on a national scale», according to the Algarve's Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR).

«The event, which marks the beginning of the sustainability certification process to be implemented within the scope of SMILO – SustainableIslands, asserting itself as a participatory space, should bring together the different visions, knowledge and jurisdictions existing on the territory and its communities, thus providing a new opportunity for open discussion around the model that will lead the island to sustainability and certification», added the Algarve CCDR, one of the entities that promote tomorrow's session, which is also promoted by the University of Algarve (UAlg), by the Association of Residents of Ilha da Culatra (AMIC) and by Make it Better (miB).

The ceremony will also count with the presence of directors and representatives of several other institutions with jurisdiction and/or intervention in the island of Culatra, such as the Portuguese Environment Agency, ICNF Ria Formosa Natural Park, City Council of Faro, Parish Union of Faro, Captaincy of the Port of Olhão, Docapesca, Águas do Algarve, ALGAR, FAGAR, AREAL, Associação N. Sra. dos Navegantes, Clube União Culatrense, Guerreiro & Guadiana, among others.



