F1 Grand Prix in Portimão generated €13 million in media return over the weekend

Analysis of Marktest's Mediamonitor service identified 1453 news items between Friday and Sunday

The return of Formula 1 to Portugal generated close to 1.500 news only on the weekend in which the Grand Prix took place at the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve, in Portimão.

According to the analysis of clipping Mediamonitor, by Marktest, between Friday and Sunday alone, 1453 news items were identified in the national media, with an estimated financial return of €13,1 million.

Although most of the news was published online (956), it was the 318 news and reports broadcast by the main national television channels that were at the origin of the biggest share of the media return generated by the test: €10,9 million.

Television was also the medium responsible for the largest volume of GRP (48% of the total), with an accumulated record of 538,6%.

On Sunday, the day on which the test itself took place, the largest number of news items was identified, with almost half of the total (703).



