Migrants in the Algarve discussed at a meeting between Eduardo Cabrita and Moroccan minister

The meeting highlighted the need to maintain and intensify cooperation in preventing and combating irregular migration

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The arrival in the Algarve, in recent months, of Moroccan migrants was one of the topics discussed, this Wednesday, June 5, in a video-conference meeting between Eduardo Cabrita, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Abdelouafi Laftit.

According to the Ministry of Internal Administration, at this meeting, “the need to maintain and intensify cooperation in the field of preventing and combating irregular migration and trafficking in human beings, both bilaterally – through a reinforced articulation between the Aliens and Borders Service and its Moroccan counterpart – as in the framework of relations between Morocco and the European Union».

Eduardo Cabrita also discussed with the Moroccan Minister of Interior the «the importance and mutual interest in concluding the negotiations that are taking place for a legal migration agreement between Portugal and Morocco».

Eduardo Cabrita

Among the topics discussed at the meeting was also the ongoing update of the Civil Protection agreement between the two countries, “an instrument that has proved to be of the utmost importance, namely in the field of mutual assistance in emergency situations, including the fight against rural fires and training of operatives,” adds the MAI.

The strengthening of cooperation, through a Memorandum of Understanding, between the Guarda Nacional Republicana and the Gendarmerie Royale was also discussed.

The two ministers "also shared experiences in the context of measures to combat Covid-19 and expressed their willingness to resume, as soon as possible, direct air links between Portugal and Morocco."

Eduardo Cabrita also invited his Moroccan counterpart to visit Portugal «as soon as circumstances allow».


