Associação Ideias do Levante launches literary contest “Poetas de Lagoa”

The first edition of the contest will be limited to 50 entries

The association Ideias do Levante will launch, on the 1st of July, the first edition of the literary competition “Poetas de Lagoa” with the theme “Local Commerce”. 

This contest will be aimed mainly at adults and teenagers (from 12 to 17 years old) with the aim of promoting authors/writers from the municipality of Lagoa (natural and/or residents), promoting a taste for writing and reading and, at the same time, in this edition, dynamize and promote local businesses in the municipality of Lagoa.

There will be a section entitled “Little Poets of Lagoa” aimed at children (from 6 to 11 years old), but which will not be subject to competition.

The works in competition, alluding to the theme "Local Commerce", written in Portuguese, may be presented in various forms/structures related to a poetic text, and the total number of words per work cannot be less than 77 words, nor more than 777 words, including title, notes and signature.

Each author can only participate with an unpublished text. The jury, appointed by the organization, has the right not to award prizes or not to publish the submitted works, if it considers that the content of the works is not related to the proposed theme.

The regulation and the registration form for the participants will be available here

Registration will close on July 10th, at 19pm. After confirmation of registration, the works in the competition must be submitted, from 00 July to 11 August, using the email address provided by the organization to registered participants.

The first edition of the competition will be limited to 50 entries and will award five originals, in each of the age groups mentioned above, if there are candidates in that age group.

The 10 winners (five teenagers and five adults) will be awarded shopping vouchers in local/traditional stores in the municipality of Lagoa, chosen by the winners. Two copies will also be distributed (per winner) if the works are published on paper, in a collection.

There will be no prizes for participating children, but a certificate of participation in this edition will be given to all participants, in digital format. The announcement of the winners will take place on the 30th of August and the respective delivery of prizes (ie shopping vouchers) will take place within 30 days following the announcement of the winners.

For more information click here

This activity has the support of the Municipality of Lagoa, local businesses in the municipality of Lagoa, the media and the various cultural and informative groups present on social networks.

